Well that's Christmas over for another year! On the whole I enjoyed it.
It all started on Christmas Eve where I was involved doing a reading in the carol service. This is one of those where you still get a real candle to light - love it! It was a section called "Christmas for those who don't feel like celebrating." The theme was the nativity from the viewpoint of the people in the pub after the shepherds had been to see Jesus and each view point led into a prayer. It seemed to go well - though we had lots of creative ideas to make it better but in the end didn't have the time to implement them. When I got home my Wife and children were already there as they had gone to the earlier of two carol services that our church runs (due to numbers). We put the children to bed (one very excited - one a bit poorly), wrapped up a few stocking fillers, ate fine foods, drank some wine and went to bed.
On Christmas day itself our youngest woke up early coughing and I had to give him some cough medicine (he hates medicine and so much of it went over our nice clean bed), our eldest tried to get up a 5:45 but my wife sent her back to bed with a stern word and I supplied her with a torch and a clock so she could wait until 7:00 to get up. At the appointed hour I went down stairs with the children and we opened some small presents in their stockings (mostly sweets)

whilst my wife came to with a cup of tea. We then set to and opened all the presents. The children seemed happy with theirs - though my youngest was very frustrated with the fact that his new Postman Pat wouldn't stand up (He is moulded to sit in his van). I received a lovely scarf.
We then had breakfast and got ready for church - this seemed to take ages and we barely made it on time. But when we got there we were glad we did as it was like being part of a family - something that we haven't felt for a long time at various Christmas services. We were welcomed by friends and there were many excited children (and adults) showing off presents.
Christmas lunch was at my Wife's sister's family's house. The food was lovely (we did the starter:

) and we had a very sociable time - with even more presents! We were going to stay the night but due to our youngest's cold we decided to come home. Though in the end we wished we had stayed as our neighbours were loudly playing games, listening to music and arguing until at least 04:00. My wife got no sleep at all until they quieted down.
Boxing day, and I made a foray into town with my eldest to purchase the game Sims 2 and the Pets expansion pack. she has been trying to play it ever since with frequent frustrated questions being thrown in my direction. (I have had a go on it today to try and see how it works but my namesake in the family my daughter created has been burned to death in a house fire and all the children are dirty and starving and have just missed the bus to school. So perhaps I should have left well alone.) and in the afternoon we had tea at my wife's sister's with them, my wife's father and his new wife. It was quite a pleasant evening with even more presents but, again, we left early as my youngest's cold was getting worse - his face was glistening with mucus!
Today my wife has gone off to visit a friend with our eldest and my youngest are having another lads day in - though today's involves far more mucus than I would like.