Sunday 29 March 2009


We have decided to buy an annual pass for the local zoo. We have had these before and it's always been great value. It's like investing in family time. In two years a lot has changed but much is familiar. We went on the zebra bus, stroked a pig and had hot chocolate near the sloth bears.
Which way now?
Stalking wobbilys.
Elephant fun.
Funny turtle thing.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Easter already

Our youngest is made a lovey spring basket with chocolate eggs. They were very nice. (Not sure if we were supposed to keep them until Easter).

Tuesday 24 March 2009

The Chronicles Of The Youngest

Our youngest has these groovy sun glasses. I always think he looks a bit like a jolly version of Riddick from the sci-fi films.

Monday 23 March 2009

Mothers' Day

Yesterday was mothers' day. A day where we can remember all our Mothers do for us. My wife is a lovey mother and our children love her dearly. Also both my wife's and my mothers have been instrumental in making us the people we are today. So thank you Mum(s).

Our youngest and a mothers' day flower.

Sunday 22 March 2009

New House

We went to visit my wife's sister and family in the new house they moved into yesterday. It's a lovely house. But they haven't unpacked yet.

Our eldest checking out the lawn.
Their middle one scooting.
The house. (I think theirs is pink.)
Our eldest and Pepper - the one eyed cat.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Tree Climbing

It's spring and an ideal day to climb trees. Here are our eldest and youngest up the silver birch tree in our garden - it's a bit overloaded but good fun.

Friday 20 March 2009

New Employee

One of the employees at my work was replaced by a temporary stand in as he was in later than he promised.

Thursday 19 March 2009


It's amazing what you can recycle nowadays.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Our children's school had a week to celebrate different cultures. Today they had to come dressed in the national dress of a country of their choice. Our youngest wanted to be a cowboy. But in the end he went as chinese. (Or as a ninja as he saw it.)

Tuesday 17 March 2009


Our youngest wanted to dress up as a cowboy and didn't want to take the hat off. Ever. Even in his sleep.

Sunday 15 March 2009

Dud der, Du de du de du de Dud der...

Country Side Walk

We went for a nice walk in the countryside as a family with my wife's sister and her youngest two children. It was nice to get out.

Saturday 14 March 2009

First Equestrian Lesson

My eldest has had her first horse riding lesson. She really enjoyed it and seemed to do very well. (Well she didn't fall off) I don't really know very much about the whole horse riding thing but she was doing figure's of eights by the end of the 1/2 hour. (I thought that was ice skating but never mind).