Friday, 24 April 2009


Whilst de-leaking my shed I have found lots of odd bits of wood so I thought we could toast marshmallows...
It takes a lot of though to eat a hot sticky marshmallow.
Well done?

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Biker Boy

We went to a lovely new play park with many pieces of equipment to play on. Of course our youngest played in the mud.

Who'd have thought that a Thomas the Tank Engine Scooter could do bmx style jumps.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Cheap childcare

Finally, an answer to wandering children.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Green Envy

Our children and us love visiting my brother and his wife. As well as seeing them we love the countryside that surrounds their house. They shared some of it with us on a short stroll around their village.
Horse petting.
Lamb filming.
Dock leaves - they'll come in handy.
Owl house at local school.

Eeeeek. Mouse.

You can tell my brother live in the country side. They have wildlife in their garden...

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Afternoon tea and Birthday Beer

We made it safely to the village my Brother and his wife live in. After leaving our house shrouded in rain and mist it was lovely to be able to sit in their garden for afternoon tea and a celebratory birthday beer. It was an extra specially nice beer as it was the first one since before shrove Tuesday!

Mmmmmmmm. More cake!

On the way to not quite Wales

For Easter and my birthday we went to see my Brother and his wife. On the way we missed the turning and ended up at a service station near Telford with a big metal A thing. Apparently it is a steam hammer.
Can you spot the children? They have been sent out for a nausea prevention walk.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Pre Birthday Cake

My wife likes to celebrate birthdays for as long as possible and so here is a photo of my first cake on the day before my birthday with a rare photo of me. It was very nice. The cake that is, not me.

Monday, 6 April 2009


My elest is a fan of the THE DOG collection. Here is her take on it using our hamster Emily.

Sunday, 5 April 2009


We found a butterfly asleep under our rabbit hutch. When it woke up it turned out to be a peacock butterfly.