Thursday, 1 February 2007

Trip to France

I have been in France for a couple of days and I didn't feel like spending the €10 it would cost for internet access from my hotel room and so have not blogged. The reason that I was "on holiday" as my eldest liked to call it was that I was training some of the people in the company I work for's French office. I do enjoy doing this as it is a change from my normal everyday work routine and it is also nice to get a different perspective on the company I work for from different people, but it is hard work. I am currently typing this as I travel back from Paris - Gare du Nord to London Waterloo and then it is going to take me at least another hour to get home! It has been hard work, as although the people have been training do talk English very well, it is not their first language and so I have had to explain things a lot.

The view from my hotel room.

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