Thursday, 29 March 2007

And there was light

Our loft now has a new hatch, a ladder that pulls down, some new flooring and a light with a switch. Hopefully that will be enough for the boiler man to put in the boiler. It also means that we will be able to put some of the clutter in our house into storage in the loft with out fumbling around in the gloom and balancing on dodgy bits of wood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have some stuff which I need to put in your loft -
1: a drwing board
2: two bin liners full of teddy bears
3: a table
4: A wafer thin mint
5: a cot
6: Michael and andrews junk
7: matthews junk
8: an elephant
9: a polish family
10: a dance troupe
11: a salsa club
12: more as time passes...