Friday, 9 January 2009

Hamster Shock

We took our eldest's hamster to Trowbridge for the weekend as we thought it would be easier than getting someone to feed it at ours. However, the water bottle leaked from the jiggling of the car and made the bedding all wet. Whilst tidying up the cage we found a rather surprising discovery.
A number of pink wriggly things in Emily's nest. We all jumped. It seems that she has had babies. We wondered why she was a bit slimmer and has more prominent nipples. She must have been pregnant when we bought her on the day after boxing day.
Our eldest is very excited and is working out her profit if she can sell them on.
No pictures as yet as it is best not to disturb baby hamsters lest they be rejected by the mother. We don't even know how many there are...

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