Best Seat
When ever I fly to go and work with a customer I always try and get the seat I consider to be the best. I'm not excessively competitive about it. That is to say I am not one of the militant queuers that seem bent on being first in the queue no matter what. But by a process of being in the right place at the right time I aim to sit in the seat by the front door in the plane. This seat has the advantage of lots of legroom, nothing in front of you,the chance of getting of the plane first and sitting by a window. You also get to see the cabin staff and what they are up to, and as I am one of those nosey people who likes to know what is going on this suits me very well. I suppose some of the disadvantages are that you are the first to be sucked out of the plane if the door falls off, you cant put any bags under your chair and the little table that comes up from between the seats is a little wobbly. But as I only fly to places that are quite close and so don't take long this isn't a problem. On my trip to Glasgow this week I managed to get this seat on the way their but not on the way back - I had to sit one row back, but at least I still had a window. Tough on the way back being first off the plane only meant that you got a seat on the coach to the terminal as the plane parked in a funny place.
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