Tuesday, 15 May 2007


I've been to the barbers and had my hair cut. This is always a bit traumatic for me. Especially so this time as I had not been to this particular barbers before. I normally go to an Italian mother and son outfit near where I live but as all our weekends are busy for the next few weeks I have had to find one near my work. Though as it turned out it wasn't as bas as it could have been. He wasn't one of those barbers who feels the need to talk all the time - I find this difficult as when I am not wearing my glasses I can't see any visual cues from their body language - are they joking or serious? Talking to me or someone else?. And he also seemed to know how to cut my hair without me answering lots of questions about what sort of something or other I wanted or whether I wanted some hairdressing term or other doing. The only thing I need now is to know if it looks ok. I'll have to wait until I'm home to find that out...

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