Saturday 28 April 2007

Fish and Chips

Last night we had the second planning meeting for the October half term fun club that our church runs. It went really well with lots of ideas, decisions and enthusiasm. We have definitely gone for a jungle/kind of Australian theme. This isn't quite sorted out yet as we seem to have gorillas and zebras mixed up in with didgeridoos and cork hats. We have also decided on a teaching theme of Bible Survivors. There are lots of these so the challenge will be narrowing the field down to just four or five. The other big changes are that we are going to do the club over four days and not five as in the past everyone has been worn out at the end and hopefully four days will enable more people to feel able to give their time and gifts and also are hoping to work with a couple of other local churches to assist them in putting on the same sort of thing. They will also be involved in the planning which will be great as they will bring fresh perspectives and talents. The meeting was great fun and we had fish and chips provided which made getting there on time much easier and also added to the team building aspect of the meeting. There were some great ideas - we might even be able to use some of them. These included a zebra entering x-factor, gorillas kidnapping people, a waterfall, a slide from the church balcony and a tunnel to enter the event that is full of surprises. I'll be interesting to see which ones survive.

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