Monday, 8 January 2007

Work again

Another week at work. It never seems to stop. Thinking about it I suppose that is a good thing. 2 1/2 years ago I was made redundant from a job and it was nice for a while to be at home - especially as my youngest was being born at the same time. But after 6 months it was a relief to get back to work. Though this was mainly a relief because we were running out of money. It's times like that that makes me think -the timing of my redundancy was perfect in many ways - it gave me and my family a break at an opportune time and a job came up at the end of that time at what seemed the right moment. But its really only looking back that you can see it in this way. At the time six months without a job seemed like a disaster. I wonder in what ways this time of my life will seem like perfect timing when I look back at it. If you believe God has a hand in your life - and I do - and you believe that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him" - and I do - then everything that is happening now is for the good of myself and others. In some ways I can't wait to be in the future to look back and in another I way I am content to be in this situation as it is the place I should be.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMEN to that.